Technology Resources
[ Technology Server ] [ Organizations ]
Technology Server
In my opinion, the Technology Server may have
the following contents:
- General information of public interest
- Technologies developed at lab scale through
grant-in-aid from Government Departments
- Technologies commercialised by industry / PSU
through a loan from Government Department
- Details of Government initiatives on technology
development / commercialisation / productisation / marketing / transfer
- Information on the agencies providing term loan,
venture capital, risks funds etc.
- Profile of agencies involved in technology
development / commercialisation/ productisation / marketing / transfer
- Application forms, guidelines, brochures.
- Webpages of companies engaged in the area of
technology development / commercialisation / productisation / marketing /
- Technologies marketed
- Technology opportunities
- Technology consultants
- Technology experts
- Technology (Design engineering, etc.) experts
- Career opportunities in technology
- Details on ISO 9000
- Links to technology related resources on internet
- Foreign collaborations database
- SIA newsletter of Department of Industrial
- Selected technology journals. Links to technology
journals ( world wide)
- Conferences, events, meets, workshops
- Discussion fora / news groups ( alt.
indiantechnology, alt. indiantechnology.transfer, etc.)
- Link to other technology transfer/ marketing
agencies like the BTG.
- Partner identification
- New areas for technology development – market
- Technology Mart (technology required)
- Model technology transfer agreement – Do’s and
- Information on agencies provides term loan, venture
capital, risks funds etc.