Technology Resources
[ Technology Server ] [ Organizations ]
Support to Transformation of an
Idea to Prototype
Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP), INDIA
National Innovation Foundation, INDIA
Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institution
Rural Innovation Network, INDIA
Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), INDIA
CIIE, an Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad endeavour, was setup in 2001 and is supported by Government of Gujarat as well as the National Innovation Foundation. CIIE aims at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship development through research, incubation, consultancy and training in hi-tech and mass impact technologies to enhance welfare and competitiveness of the Indian economy. The three main focus area of CIIE includes Incubation, Research and Dissemination.
Young Inventors Initiative: Steer the Big Idea 2004, INDIA
Support to Transformation of
Prototype to Pilot Plant
Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (TDDP), INDIA
A plan scheme of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) to promote industry’s efforts in development and demonstration of indigenous technologies, development of capital goods and absorption of imported technologies.
Home Grown Technology Programme, INDIA
The objective of the HGT Programme is available at Successful home grown technologies are available at
Venture Capital Funding
Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), INDIA
It was initiated to provide a re-orientation in the approach to innovation and entrepreneurship involving education, training, research, finance, management and the government. A STEP creates the necessary climate for innovation, information exchange, sharing of experience and facilities and opening new avenues for students, teachers, researchers and industrial managers to grow in a trans-disciplinary culture, each understanding and depending on the other's inputs for starting a successful economic venture. STEPs are hardware intensive with emphasis on common facilities, services and relevant equipments. The major objectives of STEP is to forge linkages among academic and R&D institutions on one hand and the industry on the other and also promote innovative enterprise through S&T persons.
Technology Business Incubators (TBIs), INDIA
TBIs are promoted to achieve creation of technology based new enterprises, creating value added jobs & services,
facilitating transfer of technology, fostering the entrepreneurial spirit, speedy commercialisation of R&D output, and
specialised services to existing SMEs.
Support to Transformation of Pilot
Plant to Commercialization
Technology Development Board (TDB), INDIA
TDB aims at accelerating the development and vommercialisation of indegenous technology or adapting imported technology to wider domestic application. TDB provides financial assistance in the form of equity, soft loans or grants.
Pharmaceuticals Research and Development Support Fund (PRDSF) and Drug Development Promotion Board (DDPB), INDIA
New Millennium India Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), INDIA
NMITLI is the largest public-private-partnership effort within the R&D domain in the country. It looks beyond today’s technology and thus seeks to build, capture and retain for India a leadership position by synergising the best competencies of publicly funded R&D institutions, academia and private industry. The Government finances and plays a catalytic role. It is based on the premise of consciously and deliberately identifying, selecting and supporting potential winners. NMITLI has carved out a unique niche in the innovation space and enjoys an excellent reputation. NMITLI seeks to catalyze innovation centered scientific and technological developments as a vehicle to attain for Indian industry a global leadership position, in selected niche areas in a true ‘Team India’ spirit, by synergising the best competencies of publicly funded R&D institutions, academia and private industry. See
for more information.
Organizations promoting,
facilitating, Technology Development, Transfer, Utilization, Commercialization
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), INDIA
Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (TDDP), DSIR, INDIA
TDDP is a plan scheme of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) to promote industry’s efforts in development and demonstration of indigenous technologies, development of capital goods and absorption of imported technologies.
International Technology Transfer Programme (ITTP), DSIR, INDIA
ITTP is a plan scheme of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) to with a primary objective to promote international technology transfer and trade including exports of technologies, projects, services and technology intensive products.
Centre for International Trade in Technology (CITT), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), INDIA
CIIT has been set up by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) with financial and technical support from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, with the primary objective of actualising India’s potential in technology trade and addressing some of these institutional complexities.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), INDIA
National Research Development Organization (NRDC), INDIA
Technology Trade Faciliation Centre (TTFC), National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), INDIA
A joint venture of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) to facilitate export of technology intensive products, services and projects.
Consultancy Development Centre (CDC), INDIA
Department of Science and Technology (DST), INDIA
National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), DST, INDIA
Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Information Service (TIME IS) from NSTEDB, INDIA
Technology Information Forecasting Assessment Council (TIFAC), INDIA
Technology Sourcing World-wide from TIFAC, INDIA
Technology Offers from India are available at
and Technology Offers from other countries (such as UAE, China, Japan, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Israel) are available at
Department of BioTechnology (DBT), INDIA
SRISTI: Technology Exchange
A working prototype for online technology exchange in partnership with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. INDIA.
CIIE: Technology Exchange
It aims to address the need of innovators to offer a technology and the desire of the entrepreneur to search for technologies of matching interest. Only technologies authenticated by CIIE shall be displayed in the technology exchange platform.
Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications & Inforamtion Technology, INDIA
Ministry of Small Scale Industries, INDIA
Value Added Information Services from Government of India for SMEs
Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), INDIA
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), INDIA
India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), INDIA
Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), INDIA |