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Patent Electronic Journals
Archives of Newjour
US Patent Office Directory of Electronic Journals on the Net
Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure
EPO - EPIDOS Newsletter
BNA's Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Journal (Highlights)
Quick Notes on Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Magazine
Ladas & Parry Newsletters
Oppedahl & Larson News
Intellectual Property Today
USPTO Bulletin
Asia Pacific Legal Development Bulletin - July 1998
IPR Helpdesk
The European Commission has established the multilingual IPR-Helpdesk: one central reference point for IPR inquiries throughout the European Union. The website provides a wealth of information for visitors from diverse backgrounds and with varied interests. The aims of the IPR-Helpdesk are:
- To raise awareness of the importance of protecting and exploiting Europe’s IPR assets. Special attention will be paid to developments arising from EU-funded R&D projects.
- To assist European researchers in such projects, as well as potential future applicants to EU-funded research programmes, in locating and licensing existing technical developments.
- To support such teams in locating the assistance necessary to register, protect and exploit their inventions.
The IPR-Helpdesk will become the European Commission’s reference point for all questions concerning IPR issues. In fulfilling their tasks, the Helpdesk team will establish wide-ranging contacts with Patent Offices, patent lawyers’ associations, university communities, and others involved in IPR issues in all EU member states. The IPR-Helpdesk will act as a catalyst to link those seeking assistance on IPR issues with organisations able to provide the necessary help.
The IPR-Helpdesk will also develop on-line tutorials on subjects relating to IPR issues. The first modules on IPR are on line. These articles offer a theoretic approach of IPR, introducing patents at, trademarks at, industrial models or designs at
and copyright at They will be regularly updated and completed. Checklist for a Consortium Agreement between partners for Technical cooperation contracts is available at
Contact: IPR Helpdesk at
or visit their website at
for more details.
The newsletter contains information on Intellectual Property stories from the world’s media, Intellectual Property news from the world’s courts, News on developments from within the world of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Landmarks, Intellectual Property statistics, etc.
The current issue of IP-WIRE Newsletter is available at n_003_en.htm. Previous issues can be requested at it online or subscibe at
Intellectual Property Today
Intellectual Property Today is a publication focussed on issues related to intellectual property (patent, trademark and copyright) law. Editorial content is geared to the professionals, attorneys, patent agents and executives within those companies who provide products and services to this industry.
It has a monthly circulation of 20000+ which includes patent, trademark and copyright attorneys & agents.The back issues are available at
and current issue is available at
The Subscription form and other information is available at
Contact: Intellectual Property Today at
for more details.
Inventors World
The World’s Leading Magazine for Inventions, Inventors World (also a webzine) is published by Inventors World Limited in association with Intellectual Property Development Confederation. It contains articles related to general principles only. The magazine is available quarterly on subscription.
Contact: Inventors World at
for further information or write to David Wardell, Editor at
Patent Abstracts (NASA)
It is a continuing bibliography, published twice a year by NASA’s Scientific and Technical Program Information Office and covers aeronautic and space technology. These documents (in Adobe PDF Format) are available for 1995-1999 at the aforesaid URL. It require Adobe Acrobat Reader Ver 3.0 to view/print the documents.
Thomas Hanson is responsible NASA Official at NASA STI Program Office and may be contacted at
t.l.hanson@larc.nasa. gov
Contact: NASA STI Help Desk at
for more information.
Virtual Intellectual Property Newsletter
It is published by Bazerman & Drangerl, P.C., Intellectual Property and New Media Attorneys, New York. It provides a weekly summary of current US Intellectual Property and New Media iisues, litigation decisions and recently filed complaints via email.
The complete database of weekly newsletter is available on the aforesaid URL. Contributions on interesting recent cases, complaint, decisions are also welcome.
To Subscribe:
Send an email to
with ‘Subscribe update’ in the body of the message.
Intellectual Property and Technology Forum
It is a online publication, created and maintained by law students of Boston College Law School. It publishes news and high quality articles relating to intellectual property and technology law from attorneys, professors, and students. It is also available at
The topical scope of IPTF is broad, including the traditional intellectual property areas of copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and unfair competition, as well as technology law that does not respect intellectual property such as encryption, internet privacy and first amendment issues, telecommunications law, biotechnology and medical ethics-related legal issues.
IPTF is currently soliciting academic submissions from scholars, practitioners, students and members of the bench on topics relevant to the subject areas. Your own contributions should be in the form of an article of approximately 10 pages.
Contact: Kristen J Mathews, IPTF Articles Chair at
for more information.
Oppedahl & Larsen News
To subscribe to Oppedahl & Larson News on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, e-mail your postal address to The Table of Contents is available at the aforesaid URL.
The PTO bulletin
USPTO’s Office of Public Affairs publishes frequent news updates containing interesting and important information about issues affecting the Patent and Trademark Office. This communique is called: the pto bulletin. The editor of the pto bulletin welcomes your comments at
Asia Pacific Legal Developments Bulletin
The bulletin provides details of legal developments in the Asia Pacific and indexed by country and the subject. The subject includes company, Corporate, Employment and Environment Law, Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Telecommunications and so on. This Bulletin has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Baker & McKenzie.
Contact: Richard T. Gough, General Editor at
for more information.
Journal of Intellectual Property Law
The Journal is published twice a year by students of the University of Georgia School of Law and provides a forum for discussion of issues of interest to the intellectual property legal community, including patent, trademark, copyright, unfair trade, entertainment, and other related topics.
The Journal publishes scholarly works from leading academics and practicing attorneys as well as student Notes. Student editors are selected for service to the Journal on the basis of scholastic achievement and writing ability.
The journal is available on subscription and details are available at subscribe.html.
Contact: JIPL Webmaster at
for more information.
Federal Courts Law Review
The Federal Courts Law Review (FCLR) is an electronic law review specialising exclusively in legal scholarship relating to federal courts.
It uniquely combines the perspective of the federal judiciary with scholarly outlook to provide timely and though provoking topics relating to federal courts.
FCLR is a publication of the Federal Magistrate Judges Association. It was founded in July 1997 to take the advantage of opportunities in electronic publishing.
It is edited by Hon. Carol E Heckman, US Magistrate Judge for the Western District of New York. Someof the articles published includes ‘Discovery in Computer Software Litigation’, ‘Instructing the jury in the Employment Discrimition Case’. Articles are also available by email.
Contact: Hon. Carol E Heckman, Editor at
for more information.
Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
The Electronic Edition of the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (TIPLJ) contains articles on substantive legal issues and recent developments in the areas of Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Unfair Competition, and Trade Secret law.
The Journal also publishes articles concerning issues arising in intellectual property litigation and practice before the Patent and Trademark Office. The conventional, print edition of the Journal is available on subscription.
One can execute a keyword search (which supports AND, OR, NOT and *) of the contents of the TIPLJ at the aforesaid URL.
TIPLJ encourages submitting articles for review and publication. Articles should be submitted in the form of two double-spaced, typewritten manuscripts. Citations in TIPLJ should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (16th ed. 1996) available at
and Texas Rules of Form (9th ed. 1997) available at Case citations should include parallel citations to the official reporter and the United States Patent Quarterly series. Send your submissions to Managing Editor at
Approximately 1500 law firms, practitioners, and academic institutions currently subscribe to the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal. An annual subscription is available for $26.81 in Texas, $25.00 elsewhere within the U.S., or $28.00 outside the U.S. (prices include tax and shipping).
Send a subscription request with your subscription and billing address to Paul Goldman, School of Law Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 149084, Austin, Texas 78714-9084.
Contact: TIPLJ at
for more information. |